Full-Time Job: iOS Developers, Minneapolis, MN (Livefront)

Job Title: iOS Developers

Job location: Minneapolis, MN

Employer: Livefront

Employment Type: Full-Time Job

Job Description

We are a tight-knit, talented group of engineers and designers building custom mobile and web software for smart clients. We have incredible attention to detail and very high standards—if you want to join our team, you’ll need to demonstrate that you do too.

Your primary role will be development of mobile applications on the iOS platform. Bonus if you can rock C# or Ruby. You have an innate, built-in, almost scary penchant for programming. You communicate clearly. You have a proven track record of self-motivation. You’re active in the tech community. When technical authors write books, they ask you for help.

iOS Developers | Requirements:

  • Significant experience working as a member of a high-performing cross-functional team
  • Meaningful iOS and/or Mac software development experience using Objective-C language and Cocoa framework
  • Experience in multithreaded programming and event-driven application design
  • Experience in test-driven development on iOS/Mac platform
  • Ability to lead development efforts and meet project schedules
  • Proven, active role in the tech/development community
  • A passion for writing clean code
  • Excellent communication skills (written and verbal)
  • Friendly: you need to be able to interact with, and build relationships with, our clients
  • Experience with C#, Ruby, or front-end development is a plus

Company Description:

Livefront is a software design and development company. We specialize in crafting high-quality custom mobile applications for smart clients who appreciate our notable attention to detail. We build for iPhone, iPad, Android, Windows Phone, and the web.


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