Full-Time Job: Android Developers, Los Angeles, CA (Fuhu)

Job Title: Android Developers

Job location: Los Angeles, CA

Employer: Fuhu

Employment Type: Full-Time Job

Job Description


Fuhu Inc., is the leading designer, seller and innovator of “thoughtful” consumer products and services for children.  Creator of the nabi™ tablet, the world’s first tablet made just for kids, Fuhu provides an ecosystem of hardware, software services, and accessories to immerse kids in rich and engaging experiences.  nabi ™ is available in all major U.S. retailers including Target, Walmart, Best Buy, and GameStop. As the Android Developer, your primary role will be to develop fantastic customized Andriod applications.

Android Developers | Responsibilities:

  • Develop and design various types of the android applications
  • Apply programming and design patterns
  • Contribute and advise new solutions to improve quality and performance of the android applications

Android Developers | Requirements:

  • At least 1-2 years of Java experience
  • At least 1-2 years of Android experience
  • Understanding of the main components of any android application
  • Understanding of networking in Android
  • A knowledge of using C, C++ and/or C#
  • Examples of Android projects


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