Full-Time Job: iOS Mobile Developer, Chevy Chase, MD (WeddingWire)

Job Title: iOS Mobile Developer

Job location: Chevy Chase, MD

Employer: WeddingWire

Employment Type: Full-Time Job

Job Description

WeddingWire is looking for a well-rounded iOS Mobile Developer that is familiar with the growing mobile landscape and desires to contribute in a fast-paced, collaborative setting.  You must be able to develop sophisticated, innovative, and user-friendly mobile applications using the iOS SDK for iPhone and iPad.

iOS Mobile Developer | Requirements:

  • You are optimistic and innovative, with a positive outlook on tough problems.
  • You love learning and working in a modern, fast-paced programming environment, utilizing philosophies like test-driven development and continuous delivery to ship apps at lightspeed pace.
  • You’ve shipped gorgeous apps using open technologies that users love and use.
  • You place a premium on user experience and efficiency. You believe in developing apps in an iterative, incremental fashion with measurable progress.
  • You are one of the best engineers you know. But you do know others and like being paid referral bonuses for getting jobs for your friends.

As an engineer you will get a MacBook Pro and a GitHub Enterprise account on your first day.  Working closely with our team, you will start shipping production code right away. You will stay up-to-date on technology advancements and be a leader among your peers.  Come join us and build real products that millions of customers depend on.


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