Full-Time Job: iOS Software Engineer, San Francisco, CA (Fitbit)


Job Title: iOS Engineers

Job location: San Francisco, CA

Employer: Fitbit

Employment Type: Full-Time Job

Job Description

Fitbit’s mission is to make the world a healthier place; in pursuit of this, we create activity and health tracking devices to provide users with data-driven insights into their lifestyles. Our mobile clients are key component of this user experience—they connect the data in our wireless sensor devices to our cloud based data storage backend while also giving users the tools to track their progress, set goals and compete with friends. We are actively working on many interesting problems including:

  • Creating engaging yet computationally efficient interactive data visualizations that are optimized for mobile devices with touch screens. This is an area of user interfaces for which there is no established solution; we aim to set the standard.
  • Overcoming the hurdles of distributed systems to build native mobile clients that are tolerant of transient connectivity. We aim for our mobile clients and sensor devices to function together as normally as possible even when there is no connection to the internet.
  • Exploiting low power communication technologies to make the internet of things a reality. We have been on leading edge of consumer deployment for both wearable sensors and Bluetooth Low Energy.
  • Crafting beautiful mobile user experiences that allow users to intuitively accomplish any task. Our mobile clients are a vital part of the user interface to the Fitbit platform.

Check out our current app on the app store:https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/fitbit/id462638897

iOS Engineer | Requirements:

  • MS in Computer Science plus two years relevant experience, BS in Computer Science plus 6 years relevant experience, or equivalent work experience
  • Ability to evaluate solutions both in terms of algorithm and data structure fundamentals as well as object oriented design principles
  • Experience creating reusable components with elegant, intuitive API interfaces
  • Expertise in Objective-C and Cocoa
  • Expertise in one of more of our core technology areas:

* Core Graphics / Core Animation / Core Text / OpenGL

* Core Data / SQL / REST-like network APIs

* Core Bluetooth / Bluetooth Low Energy

  • Experience using a modern version control system to accomplish release and configuration management
  • Able to professionally communicate with other team members

iOS Engineer | Preferred:

  • Experience providing technical leadership for small teams
  • A drive to keep performance high using profile guided optimization
  • A feel for visual and interaction design
  • A knack for appropriate abstraction
  • A love of refactoring

Company Description

Fitbit improves people’s health and fitness using a tiny tracking device to provide users with actionable data via the web and mobile devices. We’re a fast growing, well-funded startup that is serious about having a good time making great products. Come work with veteran entrepreneurs from C|Net, Twitter and Yahoo! in revolutionizing how people use diverse technologies to improve their lives.

Check out our current app on the app store


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