Full-Time Job: iOS Engineers, San Francisco, CA (PostMates)


Job Title: iOS Engineers

Job location: San Francisco, CA

Employer: PostMates

Employment Type: Full-Time Job

Job Description

You want to be part of a small team in which your impact will be huge. You do not want to just follow orders and write code but enjoy the freedom and responsibility of designing and building systems from square one.

You demonstrate the ability to identify the root cause of a problem. Instead of just fixing symptoms you identify and separate what must be done now and what should be improved later. No one can write perfect code so you are diligent about ensuring your code is thoroughly tested.

You are fanatical about customer’s needs and empowering them with technology that is simple to use while also fast and robust.

You are able to design and build solutions at multiple levels of the technology stack (html, css, javascript, python/ruby/php, sql, java/c/c++). We don’t expect you to be an expert at all of them but we expect you to be hands on with all of them and defer to others on the team when you need help tackling an area you are not comfortable with.


iOS Engineers | Requirements:

Proven experience writing  iOS applications for the iPhone and iPad that used by real people right now.

You are proficient and comfortable working with Xcode and Objective-C and have experience using higher-level dynamic languages. You have experience working with lower level languages and will not be hesitant to debug, modify and extend existing software written in lower level languages.

You are familiar with memory management and understand how to use CoreData and creating/accessing objects via the managed object context. Constructing customer UI elements is not foreign to you and you know how to build them in Interface Builder and code. Handling threads and understanding asynchronous logic is natural to you and you know how to debug your application in Xcode and tune it’s performance in Instruments.

iOS Engineers | Preferred:

  • Extensive experience with Location Services and MapKit.
  • Extensive experience interacting with RESTful APIs and JSON
  • Familiar with using blocks.
  • Experience writing functional tests with KIF.
  • An understanding of the application lifecycle states and their transitions.


  • Competitive salary
  • Generous stock option plan
  • Medical benefits
  • Large monitor, comfortable chairs, your choice of computer
  • Snack filled kitchen
  • Contribute and create open source projects
  • Awesome work environment at a company with a huge vision


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