Full-Time Job: iOS Engineer, San Francisco, CA (Inkling)


Job Title: iOS Engineer

Job location: San Francisco, CA

Employer: Inkling

Employment Type: Full-Time Job

Job Description

Come join us in the heart of downtown San Francisco and help Inkling build the best reading experience for iOS devices! Be part of a team of knowledgeable engineers who are dedicated to delivering a pixel-perfect, high performance native experience for iOS. We take pride in delivering a polished app that is a both a joy to build and a joy to use. If that sounds like you, we’d like to hear from you!

iOS Engineer | Requirements:

  • You have a bachelor’s degree in Computer Science, Engineering, or a related field
  • You enjoy programming “close to the metal”
  • You’re passionate about UI and a perfectionist when it comes to the visual appearance of your apps
  • You care about delivering a great user experience
  • You enjoy spending time refining and perfecting user interactions
  • You have a strong motivation to build and optimize native apps to the highest degree of quality


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